Introducing REVIVIfy MatteSH: The Ultimate Versatile Self-Healing Coating for Matte and Gloss Paint, Vinyl, and PPF Surfaces with Tailored Application

Upgrade to REVIVIfy MatteSH today and experience the ultimate protection, longevity, and versatility for your matte and gloss paint, vinyl, and PPF surfaces – all with tailored application methods for perfect results. Don’t settle for less – invest in the best, and give your surfaces the care they deserve.


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Product Description

Tired of traditional ceramic coatings that don’t last on your matte surfaces? Look no further than REVIVIfy MatteSH, the revolutionary self-healing coating specifically designed and formulated for both matte and gloss paint, vinyl, and PPF. Our state-of-the-art solution addresses the unique challenges of matte surfaces, which are known to be more absorbent than their glossy counterparts while offering superior adhesion for gloss surfaces.

REVIVIfy MatteSH harnesses the power of our patent-pending SiOX cross-linking technology, working in tandem with advanced filling technology to effectively fill the pores on matte surfaces. This prevents absorption and ensures a long-lasting, durable coating that will keep your surfaces looking pristine.

What sets REVIVIfy MatteSH apart is its innovative matte powder formulation, which guarantees that no gloss is added to your matte surfaces. 

Your satin or matte finish will remain perfectly intact, preserving the original aesthetic of your paint or wrap. And, even though it contains matte powder, REVIVIfy MatteSH is still an excellent choice for gloss PPF and vinyl surfaces, as it provides better adhesion than traditional ceramic coatings.

To ensure optimal results on gloss PPF and vinyl surfaces, we’ve developed a slightly different application and leveling method, which preserves the original gloss finish without compromising on protection or durability.

But that’s not all – REVIVIfy MatteSH goes above and beyond by enhancing the self-healing properties of PPF and vinyl surfaces. Our innovative formula creates a robust chemical resistance to protect against environmental contaminants, ensuring your surfaces remain free from damage.

With 100% UV resistance, REVIVIfy MatteSH safeguards your paint and surfaces from the harmful effects of the sun, preventing fading and discoloration. Additionally, its super hydrophobic properties repel water, dirt, and debris, making cleaning and maintenance a breeze.

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